Industrial Equipment and
Machinery Manufacturing

Be a full-service Solution Provider
Extend and customize your offerings around the business goals of your customers. Meet or exceed the requirements of every project and help customers achieve better results.
Increase operational efficiency
Optimize manufacturing productivity without compromising quality. Reduce downtime, improve lead times, maximize your resources, and deliver high-quality products on time.
Make better products
Making highly complex products isn’t easy. Equip your team with the latest advancements in design and manufacturing technology to save time, reduce costs, and get better products to market.
How digitalization helps your industrial equipment business

Transform your product development process
Digitalization is reshaping your industry right now, which means the time to adapt your business is today. You need to be able to:
Meet the demand for Customization
Create complete solutions customized to customer’s specific production needs. Manufacturers can use automation to configure products faster while keeping the cost of customization down.
Collaborate more efficiently with internal teams, suppliers, and customers
Product development includes a lot of stakeholders who need to be able to collaborate earlier and more often. Digitalization can bring together all the data, people, and processes involved—without putting intellectual property or time to market at risk.

Offer more value to your customers through your products and services
Your customers are looking to you for complete production solutions. To understand their business and deliver on their vision, manufacturers will need to free up capacity to customize products, create more innovative solutions, extend service offerings, and connect to their digital ecosystems.

Building Products, Equipment
and Fabrication

Bring your expertise to building projects and inform decisions that define the spaces around us.
What clients want from building product manufacturers and fabricators
77% need customization
48% need
BIM data
Due to changing expectations of building occupants, 77% of architects saw an increased need for customized solutions and closer collaboration with suppliers.
74% need more collaboration​
Nearly three-quarters of architects surveyed said that highly collaborative relationships are very important to the success of their projects.
48% need BIM data
Lack of Building Information Modeling (BIM) proficiency was listed as a supplier deal-breaker by 48% of architects.
Solutions for building product manufacturers and fabricators
Building Products Manufacturing & Fabrication Software